Kolkata Mishti Doi (Curd)

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Full cream milk - 1 litre
Sugar - 100 - 150g
Milk powder - 20 g
Condensed Milk - 100 ml
Clay pot - 1

Kolkata Mishti Doi (Curd)

Bengal curd or Mishti Doi is very tasty & extremely popular all over India & abroad. This recipe is a traditional method of making perfect curd.


20 mins

Boiling Milk

- Boil milk in a pan.
- Continue boiling the milk till it gets almost half. Please keep watch that cream layer does not settle on milk, so while boiling stir the milk continuously to prevent forming layer.
[No harm if small amount of cream layer gets created, we will remove them with strainer later. But, avoid creation of thick layer else we may lose lot of milk during removal]
- When the milk is almost half, mix the sugar in milk and boil for 2 more minutes.
- Turn-off the flame

8 mins


- Pour small amount of milk from pan in a small container to mix powder milk.
[Keep in mind that milk must be warm before mixing the powder milk, else it will be hard to mix them well. We need complete mixing of powder milk without any solid unmixed portion]
- Now mixing powder milk, mix this milk to the remaining milk in pan.
- If cream layer present in the milk, remove them with a strainer.
[Removing cream layer will make the curd smooth]
- Now, mix the condensed milk with the milk. Mix them well with the help of a hand mixer or spoon.
- Mix the curd into milk while the milk is still warm.
[The milk must be warm but not hot, such warm that you can keep a finger dipped in it for 8-10 second]

6-8 hours


- Pour the milk in clay pot and cover it with a lid.
Then cover the whole pot properly with a thick towel or jute sack. The place must be dry and pot must be well covered.
- Once covered with towel, under no circumstances the pot must be disturbed. Keep it in this condition overnight (min 5 hours, 8 hours preferred).
[The curd solidifies well, if the place is warm]
Remove the cover in the morning, you find your favorite curd ready.

Salma Khatun

Salma Khatun

Jul 24, 2017

I love cooking and gardening. I am a YouTuber and runs the channel SalmaTheChef!